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California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter

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The Natural History of San Bruno Mountain 
Wednesday, February 17, 2021 07:30pm

San Bruno Mountain is possibly the best undiscovered natural area in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. Thirteen rare and endangered plants, including six endemics, call the mountain their home. Four federally- threatened or endangered butterflies live and breed here, the only place on Earth where they all co-exist. All told, there are 42 species of butterflies, 200 species of birds, 16 mammals, 13 reptiles and 6 amphibians.

The mountain is a mélange of plants, vertebrates, and invertebrates that celebrate the incredible diversity that once existed within our state ̶ a diversity that is vanishing at an astonishing rate, but that is being fiercely protected by people who simply refuse to allow it to disappear on the mountain. This talk will show you some of the natural wonders of this State and County Park and federally- protected nature reserve and biological hotspot.

David Nelson is an orthopedic hand surgeon who has long been a student of nature. He took a CNPS tour of San Bruno Mountain led by Doug Allshouse in 2013 and was hooked by the beauty of the mountain and Doug’s talent for explaining nature. When he proposed doing a book on the mountain to Doug, he discovered that Doug was already working on one and welcomed his participation.

Doug Allshouse lives on San Bruno Mountain, 100 feet below the Saddle Trail, and has been exploring, studying, and recording their natural history since 1981. He was a founder and officer of Friends of San Bruno Mountain, beginning in 1996, as well as of the original Mission Blue Nursery in 2001. He has been working on a seven-year project with David Nelson writing an updated flora, The Natural History of the San Bruno Mountains.

How to attend: via Zoom (preregistration required) Or watch live or later on our YouTube channel at:

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Thu Dec 05 @ 7:00PM - 08:30PM
Ten Easy Steps to Creating a Bird- Friendly Garden, a Talk by Jennifer Dirking
Fri Dec 06 @ 9:00AM -
Edgewood Restoration
Sat Dec 07 @ 8:00AM - 10:00AM
Lake Cunningham Native Garden
Sat Dec 07 @ 9:00AM - 11:00AM
Community Work Day at the Native Plant Garden in Kirk Park
Tue Dec 10 @ 7:00PM - 08:30PM
Conservation Committee
Wed Dec 11 @ 7:00PM - 08:30PM
Wreath-Making with Native Plants, a Talk and Demonstration by Jill Sowards
Thu Dec 12 @ 7:00PM - 09:00PM
CNPS SCV Board Meeting
Fri Dec 13 @ 9:00AM -
Edgewood Restoration
Sat Dec 14 @ 8:00AM - 10:00AM
Lake Cunningham Native Garden
Sat Dec 14 @ 9:00AM - 11:00AM
Community Work Day at the Native Plant Garden in Kirk Park