Chapter Activities

The Santa Clara Valley Chapter of the California Native Plant Society covers Santa Clara County and southern San Mateo. Want to learn more about native plants? Support California's biodiversity? Join us! We welcome CNPS members and the public at our virtual and in-person activities.
- The Chapter's Online Nursery Store is a great place to buy plants and more (delivery and pickup available)
- Our Native Plant ID group meets every fourth Tuesday of the month at the Peninsula Conservation Center in Palo Alto.
- Our Native Plant Talks cover a wide variety of topics with a native plant focus. They are offered at libraries and virtually. You can view many past talks on our YouTube channel.
- The Lake Cunningham Native Plant Garden provides opportunities to preserve and restore native plants
To receive weekly updates about our upcoming events, please join our Chapter News list. Subscribe by sending an e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can also learn about events on our Chapter's Facebook page and Meetup group.
Santa Clara Valley Chapter of CNPS

The California Native Plant Society (CNPS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of California’s native plants and their natural habitats, today and into the future, through science, education, stewardship, gardening, and advocacy.
The Santa Clara Valley Chapter of CNPS covers Santa Clara County and southern San Mateo County. It offers activities focusing on the many aspects of native plants, from gardening, plant identification, and photography to conservation and rare plants. Activities include talks and lectures and workshops, field trips, native plant sales, wildflower show, restoration workdays, and more. The chapter was founded in 1972; more history can be found here.
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Help Wanted!

CNPS SCV is an all-volunteer organization -- our activities depend on our many volunteers. We welcome your help to fill these important volunteer roles.
Library Talk Helpers: We hold talks at libraries in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties. Several volunteers are for each talk to help with setup and check-ins. No experience is necessary. Sign up to help with an upcoming talk.
For more information on other volunteer opportunities, contact Stephen Buckhout, Chair of the Leadership Development Committee, (408) 255-6233 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..