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California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter

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Design-It-Yourself Native Garden 
Thursday, January 12, 2017 07:00pm
Contact (650) 903-6337

In January and March we present a special two-part design series. Suppose you have a typical suburban home with a lawn and you want switch to drought-tolerant natives, but don’t know how. This is the series for you! The first class is called “Design-It-Yourself Native Garden.” In it, you will get a crash course in design, covering how to transition to a native garden, how to choose plants, which existing plants to keep, and how to plan for each plant’s water requirements. The follow-up class will be on Thursday, March 16.

Deva Luna is a sustainable and Bay Friendly-certified landscape designer who has been teaching and speaking about horticulture for over 20 years. She has a degree in “Plants and Art” from U.C. Davis and works for EarthCare Landscaping ( in Cupertino. 

Location Mountain View Library, 585 Franklin St, Mountain View
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